Melanie Hava
"We acknowledge Country, Spirit and Ancestors, past, present and ongoing. We pay our respects to Mamu and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across this nation, and Elders everywhere"
Melanie was blessed to have been born into an interesting and diverse culture: her father is Austrian and her mother is from one of the oldest cultures in the world; the Aboriginal people of Australia. Melanie knew from a very young age that she was going to be an artist, and by her teenage years, she was already selling her artwork. In her late teens/early twenties, she started combining her Aboriginal and Austrian heritages; using the Australian reef, animals and rainforest, and Austrian architecture as important sources for her inspiration. Melanie is a mother of two; and after living and painting in Mount Isa, Toowoomba and Yowah, she finally settled down in beautiful and inspiring Far North Queensland's Cairns city - close to her mother's country and generations past and present. Melanie is currently expanding her focus by exploring family, culture and country stories and is looking forward to where this leads with her art.