Men's Tie Bar, Clip, PinAboriginal Art, Australia
Design: Beautiful SpiritArtist: Merindah-Gunya (Bayley Misfud)
Dimensions: 55mm x 6mm
Material: Stainless SteelAdd a touch of colour to your outfit with these vibrant steel tie pins. Featuring the bright artwork of Merindah-Gunya, they are a unique interest point that adds a hint of subtle flair. Our tie pins are perfect for elevating a formal tie or upgrading your everyday work outfit.
About the design/artwork:This piece represents my journey of self love and independence as an Aboriginal woman. Despite it being an ongoing and at times emotional journey, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the beautiful people around me. You will see me represented as the large aqua circle, and my journey by the line trailing the circle. Along the way are my friends and family, with the surrounding dots symbolising our spiritual connection. Having restricted physical interactions and connections with others during Covid-19 has been difficult. Although, it has allowed me to appreciate the importance of my friendships and family within my journey of development. It is important to see where we have been in order to recognise how far we have come and we are today.
About the artist:Merindah-Gunya (Bayley Mifsud) - Gundjitmara.
I am a proud Gundjitmara woman from the Eastern Maar Nation. Bayley was born and raised in Warrnambool, Victoria, where she started painting from a young age and learnt from her Elders about traditional storytelling through painting. Now she currently lives on Bunurong country in Melbourne, Victoria. "Creating art has allowed me to connect with my culture on a deeper level that I have experienced. I have been raised extremely connected within my community however through continuing a tradition through storytelling and art it has allowed me to continuously reflect and extend my knowledge and experiences as an Aboriginal woman."
Royalties from this product directly benefit the artists and their community.
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